
来源 :价格与市场 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mindy27
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行政收费过多过乱现象,一直是近些年来社会反映甚为强烈、政府着力改革、意在解决的突出问题。改革开放以来,尽管各级政府采取了许多措施,防止和避免行政乱收费现象的发生,但乱收费问题却屡禁不止,甚至还有滋生蔓延之势。政府价格主管部门作为政府管理价格(收费)的职能机关,在治理行政乱收费方面无疑具有重要职责。因此,研究 Excessive administrative charges and excessive chaos have been the outstanding problems that the society has reflected very strongly in recent years and the government has been trying hard to reform and is intended to solve it. Since the reform and opening up, despite the many measures taken by the governments at all levels to prevent and avoid the occurrence of administrative charges, the problem of indiscriminate charges has been repeatedly banned and even breeds. Government departments in charge of price as the government management of the price (charges) of the functional organs in the administration of administrative charges undoubtedly have an important responsibility. So, research