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从广东汕尾一养殖场鲍苗掉板池中(包括水、藻膜和变白鲍苗)分离筛选到105株菌,并对之进行了致病毒力因子(胞外酶及溶血作用)的分析,同时应用PCR对溶血毒素的归属进行了初步的探讨,采用API对菌株进行了种类鉴定。结果表明,105株菌中,仅35株菌具有较强的分泌胞外蛋白酶、明胶酶和脂肪酶的能力,尤其以菌株1、2、3、5、9以及16相对强大。在此35株菌中,85.6%的菌株(3035株)表现出溶血现象,但仅16株菌的TlhPCR呈阳性。API鉴定表明,35株菌中弧菌约占50%,溶藻弧菌又占弧菌的70%。研究结果揭示,和其它菌株相比,分离自变白鲍苗的6株溶藻弧菌(菌株1、2、3、5,13和16)和2株副溶血弧菌(菌株9和21)具有较强的分泌胞外酶和或溶血的能力,意味着极有必要对其作进一步的研究,以观测它们对鲍苗的影响。 A total of 105 strains of bacteria were isolated and screened from the droppings pool (including water, algal membrane and whitened abalone) in the farmland of Baowei, Shanwei, Guangdong. The virulence factor (extracellular enzyme and hemolysis) At the same time, the application of PCR to the ownership of hemolytic toxin was initially discussed. The API was used to identify the strains. The results showed that out of 105 strains, only 35 strains had strong ability of secreting extracellular proteases, gelatinases and lipases, especially those strains 1, 2, 3, 5, 9 and 16 were relatively strong. Of these 35 strains, 85.6% of the strains (3035 strains) showed hemolysis, but only 16 strains showed positive TlhPCR. API identification showed that 35 strains of Vibrio species accounted for about 50%, Vibrio alginolyticus accounted for 70% of Vibrio. The results revealed that six strains of V. alginolyticus (strains 1, 2, 3, 5, 13 and 16) and two strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus (strains 9 and 21) isolated from A. baicalensis compared to other strains, Strong ability to secrete extracellular enzymes and / or hemolysis means that it is extremely necessary to further study them to observe their effects on abalone.
1 .【热点材料】2 0 0 3年 5月 2 1日 19时 45分 (当地时间 ) ,阿尔及利亚北部地区发生强烈地震。震中位于首都阿尔及尔以东 5 0多千米的布米尔达斯市。地震持续了数秒钟 ,此
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