髋关节脱位临床上多见,只要认真检查诊断并不困难。只有合并股骨骨折时才容易漏诊,我院收治一例髋关节脱位8年,报告如下。 病历报告:患者马某,男性,10岁,回族,青海省祁连县峨堡乡学生。3岁时因翻车摔伤致右腕部、右踝部疼痛肿胀,右下肢不能负重和行走,当地土大夫给右腕部、右踝部“脱臼还纳”治疗。三月后下地行走呈跛行,无其它不适。一年后到某大医院,诊断为:“右踝骨骨髓炎”,为确诊在右内踝部
Hip dislocation is clinically common, as long as careful examination of the diagnosis is not difficult. Only with the fracture of the femur easily misdiagnosed, our hospital admitted a case of hip dislocation for 8 years, the report is as follows. Medical records: patient Ma, male, 10 years old, Hui nationality, Qilian County, Qinghai Province, Aibu Township students. 3 years old due to rollover falls caused by right wrist, right ankle pain swelling, right lower limb can not be weight and walking, the local soil doctor to the right wrist, right ankle “dislocation also satisfied” treatment. After walking in March was limp, no other discomfort. A year later to a large hospital, diagnosed as: “right ankle osteomyelitis,” diagnosed in the right medial malleolus