1 模型基本情况模型平面比尺为1000,垂直比尺为100,变率为10。模型面积为4000m~2,区间有9条支流汇入,全长180余m,摆幅60余m。数据采集,全部由计算机集中控制与自动采集。模型验证试验,分三级流量验证了河槽、滩地、行洪区糙率。水位误差天然值为士5cm,流量误差士5%,从而保证了沿程水位、流态、流量及行洪量均达到了与原体的相似。同时还采用了与制模地形工情相应的1982年30天洪水过程进行了非恒定流的
A model of the basic situation Model plane scale is 1000, the vertical scale is 100, the rate of change of 10. Model area of 4000m ~ 2, the interval of 9 tributaries into the total length of more than 180 m, swing more than 60 m. Data acquisition, all controlled by the computer and automatic acquisition. Model validation test, three levels of flow verified riverbed, beach, flood area roughness. The natural value of water level error is ± 5 cm and the flow error is ± 5%, which ensures that the water level, flow pattern, flow and flood volume along the process reach the similarities with the original. At the same time, the 30-day flood process in 1982 corresponding to the modeling and terrain work was used to carry out unsteady flow