Olfactory receptor gene evolution is unusually rapid across Tetrapoda and outpaces chemosensory phen

来源 :动物学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cookid
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Chemosensation is the most ubiquitous sense in animals,enacted by the products of complex gene families that detect environmental chemical cues and larger-scale sensory structures that process these cues.While there is a general conception that olfactory receptor(OR)genes evolve rapidly,the universality of this phenomenon across vertebrates,and its magnitude,are unclear.The supposed correlation between molecular rates of chemosensory evolution and phenotypic diversity of chemosensory systems is largely untested.We combine comparative genomics and sensory morphology to test whether OR genes and olfactory phenotypic traits evolve at faster rates than other genes or traits.Using published genomes,we identified ORs in 21 tetrapods,including amphibians,reptiles,birds,and mammals and compared their rates of evolution to those of orthologous non-OR protein-coding genes.We found that,for all clades investigated,most OR genes evolve nearly an order of magnitude faster than other protein-coding genes,with many OR genes showing signatures of diversifying selection across nearly all taxa in this study.This rapid rate of evolution suggests that chemoreceptor genes are in“evolutionary overdrive,”perhaps evolving in response to the ever-changing chemical space of the environment.To obtain complementary morphological data,we stained whole fixed specimens with iodine,μCT-scanned the specimens,and digitally segmented chemosensory and nonchemosensory brain regions.We then estimated phenotypic variation within traits and among tetrapods.While we found considerable variation in chemosensory structures,they were no more diverse than nonchemosensory regions.We suggest chemoreceptor genes evolve quickly in reflection of an ever-changing chemical space,whereas chemosensory phenotypes and processing regions are more conserved because they use a standardized or constrained architecture to receive and process a range of chemical cues.
2001年3月,我来到广东江门打工。由于很久没找到工作,我就把姐姐的书报摊接了过来。  有一天,我的书报摊里进来一男一女两个年轻人。他们一口气买了十几本杂志。我问女孩:“你爱看这么多种杂志吗?”她说:“我只要一本,其余的都是给别人带的。”原来,他们工厂附近都没有书店和书摊,且离城里又远,进一次城不容易,所以谁来了都会帮别人带些新出的杂志回去。  那两个人走后,我就开始琢磨:他们那里买不到杂志,我这