This is a rare condition reported by Scott et al in 1938. There are even fewer skin-specific rashes in patients, and no more than 10 reported in the literature.Japan has reported 3 cases.This article reports 1 case (55 years old, male) And the results of electron microscopic examination of skin and lymph node biopsies in one patient (31 years old, male) who also reviewed the literature, an acute and progressive disease that can die within a few months.Abele statistics 85 cases of clinical manifestations, 100% anemia, 96 to 97% of the weak fever and fatigue, 86 to 88% of hepatosplenomegaly, 80% weight loss, 72% leukopenia and thrombocytopenia, 59% of lymph nodes, 48% of jaundice, 37% of purple spots .Greenberg that edema and ascites (82%) is one of the three symptoms of the skin is usually jaundice and punctate or purpura, and more in the late appear.