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目的:分析不同中医证候肝硬化患者精神心理状态的差异,探讨肝硬化患者不同精神心理状态与中医证候之间的关系,为临床心理干预提供依据.方法:采用他评量表的方式,对符合研究要求的肝硬化患者填写汉密顿焦虑量表(HAMA)、汉密顿抑郁量表(HAMD)和匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(PSQI),并计算评分,进行精神心理状态的评估;同时采集患者的中医四诊信息并进行辨证分型(分为肝气郁结、脾虚湿盛、湿热蕴结、肝肾阴虚、脾肾阳虚、瘀血阻络6个证型),比较不同中医证候肝硬化患者的精神心理状态差异.结果:共有208例肝硬化患者纳入研究.结果显示,各证型HAMA评分依次为肝气郁结>湿热蕴结>肝肾阴虚>瘀血阻络>脾虚湿盛>脾肾阳虚,肝气郁结型最高,与脾虚湿盛、肝肾阴虚、脾肾阳虚、瘀血阻络相比,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);HAMD评分依次为肝气郁结>湿热蕴结>肝肾阴虚>瘀血阻络>脾虚湿盛>脾肾阳虚,肝气郁结型最高,与其他5型相比差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05);PSQI评分依次为:肝气郁结>肝肾阴虚>脾肾阳虚>湿热蕴结>瘀血阻络>脾虚湿盛,肝气郁结型最高,与湿热蕴结型、脾虚湿盛型相比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).肝硬化Child-PughC级患者的HAMA、HAMD、PSQI评分均高于Child-Pugh A级患者(P <0.05,P<0.01).结论:肝硬化患者的焦虑、抑郁、睡眠障碍与中医肝气郁结的病机关系密切,且随着肝硬化程度的加重而加重.“,”Objective:To analyze the differences on mental state of liver cirrhosis patients with different TCM syndromes,explore the relationship between different mental state and TCM syndromes,and provide evidence for clinical psychological intervention.Methods:By others-rating scale,the patients with liver cirrhosis who met the research requirements were required to fill in the Hamilton anxiety scale (HAMA),Hamilton depression scale (HAMD) and Pittsburgh sleep quality index(PSQI),the scores were calculated to assess the psychological and mental state.Meanwhile,the TCM four diagnosticinformation of patients were collected and conducted the syndrome differentiation and classification (which classified into 6patterns including liver qi stagnation,intense dampness due to spleen deficiency,accumulated dampness-heat,yin deficiency of liver and kidney,yang deficiency of spleen and kidney and static blood blocking collaterals),and the differences on psychological and mental state of liver cirrhosis patients with different TCM syndromes were compared.Results:A total of 208 patients with liver cirrhosis were included in this study.The results showed that,the HAMA score of different syndrome patterns from high to low in turn followed as liver qi stagnation,accumulated dampness-heat,yin deficiency of liver and kidney,static blood blocking collaterals,intense dampness due to spleen deficiency and yang deficiency of spleen and kidney.The HAMA score of syndrome of liver qi stagnation was the highest,compared with the syndrome of intense dampness due to spleen deficiency,yin deficiency of liver and kidney,yang deficiency of spleen and kidney and static blood blocking collaterals,the difference on the HAMA score was statistically significant (P < 0.05).The HAMD score of different syndrome patterns from high to low in turn followed as liver qi stagnation,accumulated dampness-heat,yin deficiency of liver and kidney,static blood blocking collaterals,intense dampness due to spleen deficiency and yang deficiency of spleen and kidney.The HAMD score of syndrome of liver qi stagnation was the highest,and there was statistically significant difference on the HAMD score between the syndrome of liver qi stagnation and the other 5 patterns(P < 0.05).The PSQI score of different syndrome patterns from high to low in turn followed as liver qi stagnation,yin deficiency of liver and kidney,yang deficiency of spleen and kidney,accumulated dampness-heat,static blood blocking collaterals and intense dampness due to spleen deficiency.The PSQI score of syndrome of liver qi stagnation was the highest,compared with the syndrome of accumulated dampness-heat and intense dampness due to spleen deficiency,the difference on the PSQI score was statistically significant(P < 0.05).The scores of HAMA,HAMD and PSQI in patients with Child-Pugh C were all higher than those in patients with Child-Pugh A (P < 0.05,P < 0.01).Conclusion:The symptoms of anxiety,depression and sleep disorders in patients with liver cirrhosis are closely related to the pathogenesis of liver qi stagnation,and these symptoms would worsen with the aggravation of liver cirrhosis.
中图分类号:G806 文献标识:A 文章编号:1009-9328(2014)08-000-02  摘 要 为了贯彻落实第三次全国教育工作会议提出“学校教育要树立‘健康第一’的指导思想”的精神,促进学生积极地参加体育锻炼,上好体育课,增强学生体质和提高健康水平,把学生培养成为德、智、体、美全面发展的高素质人才。本文运用文献资料法、测试法和数理统计分析法,以《学生体质健康标准》为准则,通过对广东省中山
中图分类号:G807 文献标识:A 文章编号:1009-9328(2014)08-000-02  摘 要 对于各大高校来说,“终身体育”的教学体念对高校体育的教育影响深远。各个高校在不断地对高校的体育进行思考并做出一定的改革。本论文对终身体育下的高校体育进行探析,首先对“终身体育”进行诠释,其次介绍高校体育教学存在的问题,最后阐述在“终身体育”影响下高校体育改革的注意事项。  关键词 终身体育 高
中图分类号:G807 文献标识:A 文章编号:1009-9328(2014)08-000-02  摘 要 本文从分析当前高校田径运动会的缺陷出发,结合教育部、国家体育局、全国学联近日联合下发《通知》中关于全面启动和广泛开展大学生“走下网络、走出宿舍,走向操场”主题群众性课外体育锻炼活动精神,探讨如何改革高校田径运动会赛制,使其成为群众性体育活动的盛会。  关键词 高校运动会 群众性体育活动 娱乐性
中图分类号:G845 文献标识:A 文章编号:1009-9328(2014)08-000-01  摘 要 通过对我国大众网球发展的现状,网球人口少大众基础薄弱、竞技水平不高、网球经济的投入不高、以及影响因素,社会参与度低、网球设施不足、缺乏健康的理念,提出了加大投入,提高网球的社会化程度、组建网球俱乐部,加强培训以少代多、加大对网球运动的宣传力度、以竞赛为杠杆,以交流为枢纽,促进网球全球化的对策。