5月,一个充满活力、催人创造的季节,我们向辛勤工作在水利战线上的青年朋友问好,向奋战在防汛抗旱第一线的广大水利职工致以崇高的敬意! 去冬今春,我国南方发生了少见的冬汛或春汛提前,引起人们的关注。据专家分析,今年汛期可能出现两条雨带:一条雨带在长江流域的洞庭湖、鄱阳湖地区,或长江中下游两岸、江淮地区;另一条雨带将在华北北部和黄河上中游。对此,我们必须高度警觉和极端重视,“宁可信其有,不可信其无”,严阵以待,确保防汛万无一失。党政一把手必须负总责,特别是那些防汛任务重、险工险段多的地区的领导,更要全力以赴,丝毫懈怠不得。
In May, in a season full of vitality and stimulating, we would like to say hello to the young friends who work hard on the water front, and pay tribute to the water conservancy workers who are fighting in the first line of flood control and drought relief! In winter and spring, rare winter scorpions or spring scorpions occur in the south of China, causing people’s concern. According to the analysis of experts, there may be two rain belts during the flood season this year: a rain belt in the Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake area of the Yangtze River, or on the banks of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the Jianghuai area; another rain belt will be in the northern part of North China and the upper reaches of the Yellow River. In this regard, we must be highly vigilant and attach great importance to “being credible, not credible,” and be prepared to ensure prevention of disasters. The leaders of the party and government must bear the overall responsibility, especially those leaders in areas with heavy fighting and dangerous risks, and they must do their utmost to do their utmost.