从20世纪90年代初开始,中国公路建设市场便日趋火爆,特别是高速公路通车里程呈现出跳跃式的发展,高等级路面设备制造业这块巨大的蛋糕自然也吸引着无数厂商的目光。相比其他发展中国家,中国拥有众多的资源优势和宽松的政策环境,因此,国际著名的工程机械厂商纷纷在中国跑马圈地,设立独资或合资工厂,例如卡特彼勒公司1995 年就在徐州成立合资工厂,英格索兰公司1997年也在无锡成立了合资企业。美卓戴纳派克公司作为世界著名的路面设
Since the early 1990s, China’s road construction market has become more and more popular. In particular, the mileage of expressways has shown a leaping development. The huge cake of high-grade road equipment manufacturing industry naturally attracts the attention of countless manufacturers. Compared with other developing countries, China has numerous resource advantages and a relaxed policy environment. Therefore, the world’s leading construction machinery manufacturers have been setting up wholly-owned or joint-venture factories in China. For example, Caterpillar Co., Ltd. was founded in Xuzhou, The establishment of a joint venture factory, Ingersoll-Rand Company in 1997 also set up a joint venture in Wuxi. Metso Dynapac Corporation acts as world renowned pavement design