四川九寨沟1992年,被联合国教科文组织列入“世界自然文化遗产名录”; 1997年,又被纳入世界“人与生物圈”保护网络,是迄今为止世界上惟一同时获得这两项殊荣的景区。 2003年,九寨天堂·申蕃古城开业。2004年,九寨沟边边街开业。四川黄龙 1992年,被联合国教科文组织列入“世界自然遗产名录”, 后又被列入“绿色环球21”和联合国教科文组织的“国际生物圈保护区”。 1996年,“快乐的小路”骑马即现在的顺江马帮成立。四川峨眉山-乐山大佛 1996年,被联合国教科文组织遗产委员会列入“世界自然文化遗产名录”。 2004年,从1999年开始的峨眉山冰雪节增加了温泉休闲,更名为“峨眉山冰雪温泉节”,口号为“玩冰雪,泡温泉,品美食”。四川青城山-都江堰 2000年,被联合国教科文组织遗产委员会列入“世界文化遗产名录”。 1987年春天,成都第一家农家乐诞生在著名的“中国盆景之乡”-郫县友爱乡农科村。农家乐的发展势头很快蔓延到整个成都周边,临近的都江堰以及青城山很快也相继出现了一批规模大小不等、经营内容名种多样的农家乐。
Jiuzhaigou in Sichuan Province was listed by UNESCO as “the World Natural Heritage Site” in 1992. In 1997, it was incorporated into the “Man and the Biosphere” protection network in the world. It is the only scenic spot in the world that has won both these awards at the same time. In 2003, Jiuzhaigou heaven Shen Shan opened. In 2004, Jiuzhaigou sidewalk opened. Sichuan Huanglong was listed by UNESCO as “World Natural Heritage” in 1992 and later listed as “Green Globe 21” and “UNESCO International Biosphere Reserve”. In 1996, the “Happy Trail” riding was established by the current Shunjiang Horse Caravan. Mount Emei in Sichuan - Leshan Giant Buddha in 1996, by the UNESCO Heritage Committee included in the “World Natural Heritage Site.” In 2004, the Mount Emei Ice and Snow Festival started in 1999 with the addition of hot spring recreation and changed its name to “Mount Emei Ice and Snow Spa Festival” with the slogan of “playing in the snow, hot springs and food products.” Sichuan Qingcheng Mountain - Dujiangyan in 2000, by the UNESCO Heritage Committee included in the “World Heritage List.” In the spring of 1987, the first farmhouse in Chengdu was born in the famous “village of Chinese bonsai” - the agricultural village of Youyi Township, Juxian County. The momentum of the development of farmhouse quickly spread to the entire periphery of Chengdu, near Dujiangyan and Qingchengshan soon have also emerged a number of different sizes, business content of a variety of farmhouse music.