中华文明的厚重,从紫禁城就可窥其一斑。紫禁城,既是一座皇家宫殿,也是一座博物馆。她凝聚着近600年的宫廷变迂和人世沧桑,她积淀了几千年的文化诉说和生命智慧。紫禁城,以其厚重的内涵, 成为中华民族文化、艺术和社会、历史的里程碑。姜国芳,用自己深邃的眼光,挥酒美妙的画笔,将历史的厚重凝聚在方寸之间。把“人”这个天地间的灵物点缀到金碧辉煌的皇宫背景中,让沉寂的宫殿变得生动、自然,充满艺术的气息。人在画中,画中有人,姜国芳赋予了紫禁城新的生命,紫禁城让姜国芳的画笔生辉添彩。穿越历史与现代,洞悉深沉与华丽,读姜国芳的油画,你能触摸到历史的脉搏;珍藏姜国芳的油画,就收录了一段辉煌、沧桑的岁月……
The heavy Chinese civilization can be seen from the Forbidden City. The Forbidden City is both a royal palace and a museum. She condensed the nearly 600 years of court change detached and vicissitudes of life, she accumulated thousands of years of cultural appeal and life wisdom. Forbidden City, with its heavy connotation, has become a milestone in the culture, art, society and history of the Chinese nation. Jiang Guofang, with their own profound vision, played beautiful brush, the history of the thick cohesion between the square inch. The “human” heaven and earth to the spiritual things embellished the backdrop of magnificent palace, so quiet palace becomes vivid, natural, full of artistic atmosphere. People in the painting, there are people in the painting, Jiang Guofang gave the Forbidden City a new life, the Forbidden City Jiang Guofang brush brilliance. Through history and modernity, insight into the deep and gorgeous, read Jiang Guofang's oil painting, you can touch the pulse of history; collection of Jiang Guofang's oil paintings, it contains a period of glory, vicissitudes of life ......