rT_3 (ie, reverseT_3, anti-T_3) is short for 3,3 ’, 5’-triiodothyronine and is a hormone-inactive thyrotropin that exists in serum and thyroid tissue. Serum In the rT_3 mainly from peripheral metabolism of thyroxine (T_4), only a small amount produced by the thyroid secretion.T4 in the peripheral tissues by deiodination into highly active 3,5,3’-triiodothyronine ( T_3) and inactive rT_3, which may be the body through thyroid tissue regulation of thyroid function in a physiological mechanism.In 1956, Roche and other found thyroid and plasma rat rT_3.Chopra confirmed in 1974 that rT_3 is human serum and Thyroglobulin is a normal component.After that, people conducted extensive research on rT_3, thyroid hormone metabolism, rT_3 physiological changes and clinical significance of a new understanding.At present, the determination of serum rT_3 concentration Become a research thyroid hormone metabolism and diagnosis of thyroid