近年来,我镇农科教中心、农业技术推广站试验、推广辣椒蔸越冬作种栽培,取得良好效果。其成活率达90%以上,比用种子育苗移栽省工,能防止烂苗、死苗和地下害虫伤苗,鲜辣椒提早50天左右上市,产量虽与种子育苗移栽持平,但经济效益可提高50%左右。现将其技术要点介绍如下。 建好苗床 选择背风向阳、土层深厚、排灌方便、
In recent years, my town agricultural science and education center, agricultural technology promotion station test, promote pepper winter cultivation for planting, and achieved good results. Its survival rate of more than 90%, than the seedling transplanting workers, to prevent rotten seedlings, dead seedlings and underground pests injury seedlings, fresh peppers listed about 50 days earlier, although the yield and seedling transplanting flat, but the economic benefits Can increase about 50%. Now the technical points are as follows. Build seedbed selection leeward sunny, deep soil, irrigation and drainage convenience,