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Linux诞生已是20年,一直听说“Year of the Linux desktop”即将到来。实际上,“Linux桌面时代”尚未到来。从全球市场份额来看,Linux桌面约占1%左右。但并不是没有希望。且看下面数据图表:A:NetmarketShare data,Nov 2009 Oct2011: It’s been 20 years since Linux was born, and I’ve heard that “Year of the Linux desktop” is coming. In fact, “Linux Desktop Times” has not come yet. From the global market share, Linux desktop accounts for about 1%. But it is not without hope. And look at the following chart: A: NetmarketShare data, Nov 2009 Oct2011:
Based on the final analyses data (FNL) of the Global Forecasting System of the NCEP and the observational radiosonde data,the evolution mechanism of an eastward
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Data from the Beijing SAFIR 3000 lightning detection system and Doppler radar provided some insights into the three-dimensional lightning structure and evolutio
1 小组概况小组概况见表1。2 选题理由钢骨架塑料复合管道的连接方式主要有电熔连接和法兰连接2种(图1),其中电熔连接是一种重要的连接方式,是将管材插入电熔套筒(以下简称“电熔
High rates of fertilizer nitrogen (N) are applied in greenhouse vegetable fields in southeastern China to maximize production; however,the N budgets of such int
Deep coal mines in northern Anhui province,China,provide opportunities for tracing the distribution and fractionation of rare earth elements (REEs) in deep seat
11月5日 星期六 天蓝得像大海今天是星期六,爸爸一星期前就答应带我去公园划船,可是今天他一大早就急急忙忙走了,说是单位临时有事情,晚上回家的时候再陪我玩。