中華人民共和國憲法草案,經過各界和各民主黨派人士的廣泛討論和中央人民政府委員會的一致通過後,已經在六月十五日公佈,交給全體人民去作進一步的討論、修改和補充.以後,這個憲法草案将提交全國人民代表大會討論,正式制定爲中華人民共和國的第一個憲法. 中華人民和國憲法草案的公佈,不但是我國政治生活中的空前未有的事件,而且也是世界政治生活中的巨大事件.這件事所以會具有這麽巨大的意義,是因爲它表明了:被壓迫的、工業落後國家的人民大衆爭取民族解放和社會主義新生活的鬥争的勝利,不僅是可能的,而且在中國已經和一定要成爲事實.正是因爲這樣,將由全國人民代表大會正式制定的中華人民共和國憲法,将像一座燈塔一樣,照亮著全世界被壓迫民族爭取民族解放和社會主義新生活的前進道路.中華人民共和國憲法草案,並不是憑空臆造出来,而是以事實爲根據,以中國人民已經取得的革命勝利和中華人民共和國成立以來在政治上、經濟上的新成
After extensive discussions by all walks of life and various democratic parties and the unanimous adoption of the CPG by the Central People’s Government, the draft constitution of the People’s Republic of China was announced on June 15 and handed over to all the people for further discussion, revision and addition. , This draft constitution will be submitted to the National People’s Congress for discussion and officially formulated as the first constitution of the People’s Republic of China. The promulgation of the draft constitution of the Chinese people and the country is not only an unprecedented event in our political life, but also a political The tremendous event in life can therefore have such a great significance because it shows that the victory of the masses of the oppressed and industrialized countries in their struggle for national liberation and a new socialist life is not only possible It is precisely because of this that the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, which is to be formally formulated by the National People’s Congress, will, like a beacon, illuminate the oppressed nations throughout the world for national liberation and socialism The way forward for a new life. The draft constitution of the People’s Republic of China But based on facts, since the establishment of the revolutionary victory of the Chinese people have achieved and the People’s Republic of China in the political, economic Xincheng