很多军迷耳熟能详的美军飞机,都有不少改型,其中被专门改装成侦察机的,其型号前面往往会加上一个R,代表“侦察”(Reconnaissance)。比如,B-29的侦察改型RB-29,B-47的侦察改型RB-47等。但是,这个“侦察”更多的指的是光学图像侦察,飞机里安装的往往是各种照相器材(当然,有些也带着电子侦察器材)。而执行信号情报侦察——或者叫电子窃听——任务的,前头有时会加个E,意思是“特殊电子任务”(special Electronicmissions),比如C-130的电子战改型EC-130,C-121的改型EC-121等。由于带E的飞机还包括预警机等,因此并不是带E的都是专
Many military aircraft familiar with the U.S. military aircraft have quite a few modifications, of which they have been specially converted into reconnaissance aircraft. In front of the model, there will often be an R representing “Reconnaissance.” For example, reconnaissance RB-29 B-29 reconnaissance RB-47 B-47 and so on. However, this “reconnaissance ” refers more to optical image reconnaissance, and the aircraft is often equipped with various photographic equipment (of course, some also carry electronic reconnaissance equipment). The implementation of intelligence intelligence reconnaissance - or eavesdropping - task, the front sometimes add E, meaning “special electronic tasks ” (special Electronicmissions), such as the C-130 electronic warfare modified EC-130, C-121 modified EC-121 and the like. As the plane with E also includes early warning aircraft, etc., and therefore not all with E are specialized