The basic assumption of reform mathematics isthat“no one can teach mathematics”.Therefore,theimportant teachers’ role is to stimulate students tolearn mathematics and support their development.Open-ended problem solving is an instructionalstrategy that creates interest and stimulates creativemathematical activity in the classroom throughstudents’ collaborative work.Lessons using open-ended problem solving emphasize the process ofproblem solving activities rather than focusing on theresult.
The basic assumption of reform mathematics isthat “no one can teach mathematics ”. Thus, theimportant teachers’ role is to stimulate students tolearn mathematics and support their development. Open-ended problem solving is an instructionalstrategy that createsinterest and stimulates creativemathematical activity in the classroom throughstudents’ collaborative work. Lessons using open-ended problem solving emphasize the process ofproblem solving activities rather than focusing on theresult.