Tsutsugamushi disease is caused by Rickettsia tsutsugamushi acute infectious diseases, in China’s southeast coast and southwest higher incidence. In recent years, the incidence of scrub typhus have increased trend, the clinical manifestations tend to be diverse and complex, and can lead to multiple organ damage. 29 cases of lung damage caused by tsutsugamushi disease are reported below. Clinical data Wenzhou First Affiliated Hospital of Affiliated Hospital and Affiliated Second Hospital from March 1990 to June 2005 were treated 49 cases of tsutsugamushi disease, including pulmonary damage in 29 cases (59%), 19 males and 10 females , Aged 16 to 73 years old, with an average of 47 years old. 19 farmers, there are obvious field activities or lying grassland history of 23 cases. Clinical manifestations and laboratory examinations: All patients had fever, including 24 cases (83%) with body temperature ≥39 ℃, 5 cases (17%) with body temperature <39 ℃, body aches