
来源 :群文天地 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aidanzeng
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雕塑的形成与其所采用的材料是密切相关的,虽然在大多数情况下,材料是作为一种媒介出现在大众的视野中,但人们对材料的探索、加工、制作的过程也是雕塑得以形成的一个过程。当代雕塑的发展过程也是对原有材料的一个探索和创新过程。文章主要是探讨当代雕塑在发展过程中材料观的变化。 The formation of sculptures is closely related to the materials they are used in. Although in most cases materials appear as a medium in the public’s view, the process of exploration, processing and manufacture of materials is also shaped by sculptures a process. The development of contemporary sculpture is also an exploration and innovation of the original materials. The article mainly discusses the changes of material concept in the development of contemporary sculpture.