The International Rice Genetics and Breeding Symposium was held in Hangzhou,China on 16-18,October,1999.More than 20 rice scientists abroad from USA,Japan,England,Germany,andthe Netherlands et al and about 100 rice specialists internal attended the meeting. Around the theme of rice genetics and breeding towards the 21th Century,scientists ex- changed the information of up-data developments in different rice research fields,analyzed the ad- vance and questions in rice genetics and breeding,and discussed the key problem of super rice,transgenic rice,and two-line and one-line rice breeding.Prof YUAN Longping et al 21 scientists
The International Rice Genetics and Breeding Symposium was held in Hangzhou, China on 16-18, October, 1999. More than 20 rice scientists abroad from USA, Japan, England, Germany, and the Netherlands et al and about 100 rice specialists internal attended the meeting Around the theme of rice genetics and breeding towards the 21st Century, scientists ex- changed the information of up-data developments in different rice research fields, analyzed the ad-vance and questions in rice genetics and breeding, and discussed the key problem of super rice, transgenic rice, and two-line and one-line rice breeding. Prof YUAN Longping et al 21 scientists