Many people in our daily lives have borrowed money and wrote lending books. No one seems to think that there is anything else to be said about writing an IOU, and what problems will arise. From the author’s contact and understanding of disputes caused by IOU, the writing of IOUs really can not be taken lightly, really serious about it. If you do not believe it, please see the author summarizes the three major mistakes in the writing of the IOUs may be prepared to write IOUs will agree and pay attention to the author’s comments. First, the borrowers do not write out the name of the borrowers In March 2009, farmers Jiangmou to invest in feed mills, to friends and relatives and the same village neighbors 78 borrowers, as little as 3,000 yuan, as many as 20,000 yuan, Jiangmou are Give the borrower an IOU. Since the feed mill business was good, in a year and a half