浙江日报自2014年1 2月1 5日起推出“行进浙江·精彩故事”专栏,全媒体小分队赴全省基层一线,通过图文、微博、微信、视频等多种形式,生动地讲述了浙江这片热土上正在发生的精彩故事。截至201 5年3月25日,共刊发53期,专栏文章和照片数量合计130篇(幅),其中文章77篇、照片53幅,更好地传播和弘扬了社会主义核心价值观。
Zhejiang Daily launched the column “Traveling in Zhejiang Wonderful Stories” starting from January 15, 2014, and all the media squads went to the grassroots level in the province. Through pictures, microblogging, wechat, video and other forms, vivid To tell the story of Zhejiang is happening on this hot land. As of March 25, 2010, a total of 53 issues were published, with a total of 130 articles and photographs, including 77 articles and 53 photographs, so as to better disseminate and promote the socialist core values.