绘扇之乐Enjoy the Fan Painting自古以来扇子就不仅仅是纳凉之物,中国的扇面都是文人雅士的袖珍,有“怀袖雅物”的雅称。陆游就曾写到:“吴中近事君知否,团扇家家画放翁。”从此可见宋代的画扇之风在民间也很流行。明清时期扇面更已呈现诗、书、画、印融于一体的面貌。你有没有跃跃欲试来绘制一幅既可夏日纳凉而又有自己墨迹的扇子呢?欢迎来参与我们的水墨工坊活动,来自中央美术学院的艺术家黄海菲将带领大家一道体悟扇面“方寸之间,自有天地;平尺之内,包罗万象”的乐趣。
Enjoy the Fan Painting fans since ancient times is not just a cool thing, the Chinese fans are the literary Masters Pocket, “Sleeve elegant”. Lu You once wrote: “Wu Jun near thing you know, fan fan family painted Weng.” “From this we can see that the style of the Song Dynasty fan is also very popular in the folk. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the fan surface has even presented poetry, calligraphy, painting and printing together. Are you eager to draw a fan that can both cool the summer and have your own ink? Welcome to our ink workshop, artist Huang Hai-fei from the Central Academy of Fine Arts will lead you to understand the fan surface Between, own world; within the flat feet, all-inclusive ”fun.