在祖国辽阔的晴空下,决不容任何恐怖犯罪暴行 8月4日,距北京奥运会开幕之日仅有4天,新疆喀什地区公安边防支队70余名边防警察出早操时突遭暴力恐怖分子袭击,造成16人死亡,16人受伤。这起严重的暴力袭警事件,激起了全国各族人民的强烈义愤。接受《瞭望》新闻周刊采访的有关人士指出,境内外恐怖势力之所以狗急跳墙,策划制造如此丧心病狂的恐怖事件,其目
On the 4th of August, just 4 days before the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games, more than 70 border police detachments of the border police detachment in Kashgar in Xinjiang were brutally attacked by violent terrorists during morning exercises, Killing 16 people and injuring 16 others. This serious incident of violent attacks on police has aroused strong indignation among the people of all ethnic groups across the country. According to people interviewed by Outlook Newsweek, the reason why terrifying forces inside and outside the country havetily jumped to the wall and planned to manufacture such a frenzied and horrible incident,