三元媒体与三屏画面 日本互联网广告平台整合发展大势所趋

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中国的互联网环境和国际互联网环境有些不同,而中国与日本的广告客户需求和媒体环境有差别,这也是理所当然的。我个人认为,中国互联网市场近几年的变化趋势主要体现在两个方面:一类是品牌客户,另一类是B2B客户。对于B2B客户来讲,我们以CPC(广告主仅为用户点击广告的行为付费)、CPA(按广告投放实际效果 China’s Internet environment is somewhat different from the Internet environment, and it is a matter of course that there is a difference between advertisers’ needs and the media environment in China and Japan. In my opinion, the changes in China’s Internet market in recent years are mainly reflected in two aspects: one is the brand customer and the other is the B2B customer. For B2B customers, we use CPC (advertisers only pay for users clicking on ads), CPAs