CP作为一种进行性的慢性疑难疾病,病程总体上有疼痛先发,而后依次出现内外分泌功能障碍及多种并发症的特点。由于其病程复杂多样,诊治策略目前争议颇多,涉及多学科协作治疗(MDT)。MDT指能够独立为某一特定患者提供诊治意见的不同专业专家,在特定时间(线上或线下)共同讨论患者诊治方向,是目前复杂性疾病的有效诊治模式。CP的MDT一般从生活方式干预和药物治疗开始,进而讨论内镜治疗、外科治疗或两者的联合治疗。本文拟对MDT在CP中的应用现状做一综述,结合长海医院CP诊治的MDT经验,以期提升CP病程管理质量。“,”As a progressive and chronic intractable disease, chronic pancreatitis (CP) is generally manifested as early chronic pain, and then exocrine and endocrine insufficiency, and various complications in clinical course. The complex clinical manifestations lead to the controversies over treatment strategies at present, involving a multidisciplinary treatment (MDT) approach. It can enable different professional medical experts to discuss the diagnosis and treatment for patients together during a specific period (online or offline), which is an effective mode for diagnosing and treating complex diseases nowadays. MDT for CP usually begins with lifestyle intervention and drug therapy, and then goes with endoscopic interventions and surgical resection, or their combination. This article reviewed the current status on MDT approaches for CP and shared the MDT experience from Changhai Hospital in order to improve the management of CP course.