The mainstay of renal colic is prostaglandins, which increase the glomerular filtration chain, inhibit the secretion of antidiuretic hormone, increase smooth muscle tension, causing focal inflammation, and then hydronephrosis, the traditional treatment is intramuscular injection of pethidine Pain. This article for the first time using diclofenac bolt, analgesic effect is better than dolantin. 58 cases of patients with clinically diagnosed renal colic, except for asthma, aspirin allergy, renal dysfunction, enteritis, had received within 4 hours of strong analgesics, pregnant women and breastfeeding, confirmed by urography ( There were definitely stones and stones moving or excreting) were randomly divided into two groups. There were no significant differences in age, sex, weight (average 76 or 74.3Kg), pain time (average 11.32 or 11.8 hours) and stones in each group. A group of diseases