With the help of ARC/INFOR and ERDAS software, based on the information from forest resources distribution maps and TM images, four indices were chosen to analyze spatial pattern changes of forest landscape of Luoning County, Henan Province from 1983 to 1999. The results showed that: 1) The number and total area of patches were rapidly increased with time changes. The fragmentation degree of the landscape was increasing great-ly. 2) The area of some forest patch types, especially shrub forest, economic forest, Populus spp. Forest, Quercus spp. Forest, sparse forest, deserted grassland etc. Had been greatly changed. 3) The fragemation degree of each forest patch type became greater from 1983 to 1999.4) The transition probabilities of deserted forest, economic forest,Pi-nus tabulaeformis forest, Populus spp. Forest exceed 85%,Robinia pseuoacacia forest, deserted grassland, 65% and Quercus spp. Forest, non-forest, shrub forest had smaller ones, which were 26.5%, 29.1% and 45.3%, respec-tively. The main transition trends of various patches were non-forest and Quercus spp. Forest. During the course of transition, the types that 50% of area was remained were Quercus spp. Forest, non-forest and shrub forest. Accord-ing to above analyses, the main driving forces, such as the management policies, market economy factors and influ-ences of human activities etc. Were brought out.