1997年 7月~ 1998年 12月 ,我们采用中西医结合方法治疗早期糖尿病足 ,获得较好效果 ,现报道如下。临床资料 本组 34例入选者皆符合中华医学会糖尿病学会首届糖尿病足学术研讨会制定的诊断标准〔中国糖尿病杂志1996 ;11(2 )∶12 6〕 ,均为住院患者 ,随机分为两组 :中西医结合
July 1997 ~ December 1998, we use the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment of early diabetic foot, get better results are reported below. Clinical data 34 patients in this group were selected in line with the Chinese Medical Association Diabetes Society Diabetes Foot Academic Seminar developed diagnostic criteria [Chinese Journal of Diabetes 1996; 11 (2): 126], are hospitalized patients were randomly divided into two groups : Integrative Medicine