问个问题,请如实回答:你家有没有一台相机,是为了拍下小主的英姿而买的?没关系,应该有80%的猫奴都会选择和你一样的答案。说不定,你也会像Zoran一样,从此踏上职业喵星人摄影师之路。不过在这之前,Zoran正好可以给你一些建议。Zoran Milutinovic从建筑师到猫奴摄影师蓝星上最擅长给喵星人拍照的摄影师之一,撒尔维亚人,本来是个建筑师,10年前才发现自己的真爱是摄影,并成功被喵星人勾搭,成了御用摄影师。善于抓住它们微妙的表情,和那些难以捕捉的“决定性瞬间”。现在,这个家伙家里有8只成年喵星人,4只未成年喵星人,过着被猫包围的生活。
Ask a question, please truthfully answer: Do you have a camera, is to capture the hero’s posture and buy it? No, there should be 80% of cat slaves will choose the same answer you. Maybe, you will be like Zoran, from the professional meow star photographer road. But before that, Zoran can give you some advice. Zoran Milutinovic From architect to cat slave photographer BlueStar is one of the photographers who specializes in photographing meow stars. The Sahurian, who was originally an architect, discovered only 10 years ago that his true love was photography and was successfully Meow stars hook, became Queen’s photographer. Good grasp of their subtle expression, and those difficult to capture “decisive moment ”. Now, this guy has 8 adult cats, 4 teenage cats, and a living surrounded by cats.