交通部于2003年4月18日以交水发[2003]126号文件发出通知,要求各有关省(自治区、直辖市)交通厅(港口管理局,交委),交通部长江、珠江航务管理局,交通部水运科学研究所切实开展好港口安全管理调查研究活动。 通过这次调查研究活动,帮助各级港口管理部门摸清本地区港口安全管理基本情况,特别是港口危险化学品设施基本情况;基本上弄清当前港口安全生产和管理存在问题,为下一步研究探讨在新形势下港口行政管理部门安全管理的内容、方法和途径打下坚实的基础,重点研究当前开展港口危险化学品安全管理的有效措施。
The Ministry of Communications issued a circular on April 18, 2003 with No.126 [2003] of the State Council of Communications requesting that all the relevant provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government), the Communications Department (Port Authority and the Exchange Committee), the Ministry of Communications of the People’s Republic of China Ministry of Communications Institute of Water Transport to carry out a good harbor safety management research activities. Through this investigation and research activity, we help port authorities at all levels find out the basic situation of port safety management in the region, especially the basic situation of hazardous chemical facilities in the port. Basically, we can clarify the existing problems of harbor safety production and management for further study This paper explores the contents, methods and approaches of safety management in port administration under the new situation and lays a solid foundation for the study of current effective measures for the safety management of hazardous chemicals in ports.