又是浮躁的一年盘点IT 2005

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过年如同过关,这是我们的祖先留下的说法,因此我们的词典中便有了“年关”这一词语。 2005年,中国IT行业的发展如同一个缩小的社会写真,酸甜苦辣,尽在其中。这一年中有的企业在哭,有的企业在笑,正所谓年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年无不同。 2005年,网络的复苏带动了新的经济增长,Google和百度的神话正是网络迅猛发展的真实写照。此外我们熟悉的硬件行业的发展势头仍然强劲,摩尔定律还是影响硬件发展的主要定律。更值得国人振奋的是我们国家自主研发的“龙芯”处理器引起了国际同行的注意,中国的IT企业,如联想、明基等公司先后收购了国际企业IBM PC事业部和西门子移动通信事业部,一跃成为了国际龙头型企业,然而在这些辉煌的业绩背后,却仍冒出了一些让人不得不提及的事件,这些事件反映了国内IT业界仍然很浮躁,甚至成为整个IT行业主旋律中的不和谐音符。报喜讯、亮业绩,这不是本次盘点的要点,谁炒得最热闹,谁做得没说的好,哪个厂商最折腾,哪个厂商最沉沦……我们将在文中一一道来。 As the Chinese New Year pass, this is our ancestors left the statement, so we have a dictionary of “year off” this term. In 2005, the development of China’s IT industry as a narrowing of the social photo, ups and downs, all in one. Some enterprises are crying this year, and some enterprises are laughing. They say that they are similar to each other in their age, and their ages are the same every year. In 2005, the revival of the Internet led to new economic growth. The myths of Google and Baidu are real portrayal of the rapid development of the Internet. In addition, we are familiar with the development momentum of the hardware industry is still strong, Moore’s Law is the main law affecting the development of hardware. More worthy of the Chinese people are excited is that our country independently developed “Godson” processor has drawn the attention of international counterparts, the Chinese IT companies such as Lenovo, BenQ and other companies have acquired the international business IBM PC Division and Siemens Mobile Communications Division, However, behind these brilliant achievements, there are still some people have to mention the incident, these events reflect the domestic IT industry is still very impetuous, and even become the theme of the entire IT industry Disharmony notes. Good news, bright performance, this is not the point of this inventory, who speculation the most lively, who did not say good, which manufacturers the most frustrating, which manufacturers the most sinking ... ... We will be in the text one by one.
主持人语:经常看到诸如PS、TAB之类的游戏名称,实在搞不清是什么意思,后来专门问了一个游戏高手,才发现原来游戏名称的英文也很有讲究——  ACT(Action,动作类游戏)  ARPG(Action Role Play Game,动作角色扮演游戏)  AVG(Adventure Game,冒险类游戏)  DAN(Dance,跳舞类游戏,包括跳舞机、吉他机、打鼓机等)  DC(Dreamcast,
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