保加利亚,历史上是农业国。葡萄生产在其整个农业生产中,占有重要位置。根据“外为中用”的原则,现将进行葡萄生产和科研的考察结果,简介如下。 一、基本情况 保加利亚,位于巴尔干半岛东部,东临黑海,西接南斯拉夫,北面是多瑙河,隔河与罗马尼亚相望,南部与东南部分别与希腊和土?
Bulgaria is historically an agricultural country. Grape production occupies an important place in its entire agricultural production. According to the principle of “using foreign products for external purposes”, the results of the survey on grape production and scientific research are as follows. First, the basic situation Bulgaria, located in the eastern Balkans, east of the Black Sea, west of Yugoslavia, north of the Danube, across the river and Romania, the southern and southeastern part of Greece and Turkey?