一、前言蚕豆(Vicia faba L.),为豆类作物中重要的一种,汉代张骞出使西域时传入我国,现我国南北各地,均大量栽培,特别是川、黔、湘、浙、闽等省。在世界上,现今欧洲各国,尤其是意、荷、德、英盛行栽培。亚洲的中国、印度、日本、朝鲜等国,栽培分布也极广。但是,它的栽培历史虽然悠久,种植面积虽然广泛,而关于它
I. Introduction Vicia faba L. is an important kind of leguminous crops. When Han Dynasty came to the western region by Zhang Qian, it was introduced into our country. Now it is cultivated in large quantities in all parts of our country, especially in Sichuan, Guizhou, Hunan, Zhejiang, Fujian and other provinces. In the world, all countries in Europe today, especially Italy, the Netherlands, Germany and Britain, are prevalent. Asia, China, India, Japan, North Korea and other countries, cultivation distribution is also very wide. However, although its history of cultivation is long, the area under cultivation is wide but about it