病虫害是绿化植物生长、生存的大敌,特别是天牛一类的蛀干害虫,极易为害在盐碱地生长的垂柳、龙须柳等先锋树种。现将防治褐天牛的有效办法介绍如下: 褐天牛(Apriona germari Hope)鞘翅目,天牛科,又名桑天牛。分布于我国各地区,为害杨树、柳树以及桑、刺槐、榆、海棠、悬铃木等树木。褐天牛2年-3年完成一代,幼虫在木头里过冬。翌年4月上旬开始为害,5、6月为害严重。幼虫在木质部内由上而下蛀食,每隔一段凿一个排粪孔,与外面相通,往外面排出红色虫粪,流出红色液体和木屑,常引起木材腐朽,严重影响树木生长,造成树木枯枝败顶。6月幼虫老熟,在隧道内化蛹,蛹期约1个月。7月成虫羽化外
Pests and diseases are the enemy of the growth and survival of green plants, especially the pests of beetles, such as beetles, which can easily damage the pioneer tree species such as weeping willow and willow, which grow in saline and alkaline soil. The prevention and treatment of brown cattle are now effective ways to introduce the following: brown sky (Apriona germari Hope) Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, also known as Morus alba. Distributed in various regions of China, the damage poplar, willow and mulberry, black locust, elm, Begonia, Platanus and other trees. Brown Beetle 2 years - 3 years to complete the generation, larvae in the wood in the winter. In early April the following year began to damage, May and June serious damage. The larvae eaten in the xylem from top to bottom, choking a fecal hole at intervals, communicating with the outside, excreting red pest excrement, red liquid and sawdust, often causing wood decay, seriously affecting the growth of trees, resulting in dead trees Tops fall. June larvae mature, in the tunnel pupation, pupal period of about 1 month. July adult eclosion outside