Shanxi Magpie Hill Coal Mine is an annual output of 300,000 tons of mines. For a long time in the past, the mines’ fans and headings had been powered in parallel. Due to the serious reduction of the voltage, the local fan was forced to stop for a long time, resulting in the gas accumulation in the driving face. At this time, the mechanical and electrical equipment on the working face continued to operate, so the gas accident could easily occur. In 1980, there were two successive gas explosion accidents in a month, which posed a great threat to safety in production. In accordance with the provisions of the “Coal Mine Safety Regulations”, coal mines have fans outside the place, to be installed wind power delay blocking device. However, at present, this device is not a fixed product. The mine workers worked hard to assemble a transistor wind power delay locking device, each only 20 yuan. The QC83-80 flameproof switch with the use of good effect. Bureau fans and driving face power supply in Figure 1: