云南省高等级公路从第一条安石公路建成通车至今,已经六年,昆明高等级公路管理段也从建段之初的理顺关系,打好基础工作,发展到现在拥有职工650人,其中专业技术人员92人,一线职工475人,路政执法人员41人,管养了高等级公路315.5公里。 六年来,昆明高等级公路管理段在各级领导的关心支持下,抓住了时代机遇,在高等级公路管理中克服起步的艰辛,工作中一切从高标准要求,按规范化管理,
It has been six years since the first high-grade highway in Yunnan Province was opened to traffic and has been under construction for six years. Kunming’s high-grade highway management section has also straightened out the relations from the beginning of the construction section to lay a solid foundation for its development. Now it has 650 workers, Among them, there are 92 professional and technical personnel, 475 front-line workers, 41 road-based law enforcement officers and 315.5 km of high-grade highways. Over the past six years, with the care and support of leaders at all levels, Kunming’s high-grade highway management segment has seized the opportunities of the times and overcame the hardships in the management of high-grade highways. From the high standards and the standardized management,