Direct ink writing of continuous SiO2 fiber reinforced wave-transparent ceramics

来源 :先进陶瓷(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:giaobiao123
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This article reports the first example of 3D printed continuous SiO2 fiber reinforced wave-transparent ceramic composites via an adaptation of direct ink writing technology to improve the mechanical and dielectric properties of ceramics.The ceramic inks showed good printability by adding nano-SiO2 powder.The effective continuous fiber-reinforced printing progress was achieved through the design and optimization of the coaxial needle structures by finite element simulation.After printing,the continuous fibers were evenly and continuously distributed in the matrix ceramics and the high molding precision for fiber reinforced composite was kept.It is demonstrated that 10 vol% continuous SiO2 fiber improved the bending strength of ceramics by about 27% better than that of the ceramics without fiber and the dielectric performance has also been greatly improved.The novel method unravels the potential of direct ink writing of continuous fiber reinforced wave-transparent ceramics with complex structures and improved properties.
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摘 要:翻转课堂教学模式是随着科学技术在教育教学领域中得到广泛应用而随之发展起来的教学模式,其借助对多媒体技术的应用,能够突破传统课堂教学活动的时空限制,突出学生的学习主体地位,对学生的综合学习能力加以培养,为学生深入学习相关知识提供相应的支持和辅助。本文将中职会计教学作为研究对象,探索了翻转课堂教学模式在中职院校会计教学中的应用,希望能够促进教学现状的改善和学生会计综合素质的培养。  关键词:翻