纵观立体几何考题 感悟向量方法解题

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每个学期的学期末全国各地的中小学都进行了期末考试,纵观北京各区高三数学期末考试立体几何考题,学生的得分情况不理想,在解题中为避免难度较大的几何推理,同学们常建立空间坐标系利用坐标形式的向量解决问题,但试题中往往没有明确的垂直关系,建立坐标系要通过一定的转化、证明,难度较大,一味强调坐标法会造成得分的困难,出现这种现象一是空间想象能力、几何推理有待提高,再有就是对向量知识本质认识不够,恰当利用非 At the end of the semester of each semester, primary and secondary schools across the country have taken final exams. Looking at the three-dimensional geometric examination questions of the final third grade mathematics examinations in Beijing districts, students’ scores are not ideal. In order to avoid difficult geometric reasoning, students are asked to solve problems. We often establish a space coordinate system to solve the problem by using vectors in the form of coordinates. However, there are often no clear vertical relationships in the test questions. It is difficult to establish a coordinate system through certain transformations and proofs. It is difficult to emphasize the difficulty of scoring because of the difficulty in scoring. The first phenomenon of this phenomenon is that space imagination ability and geometric reasoning need to be improved, and then there is insufficient understanding of the essence of vector knowledge, and proper use of non-
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本研究主要探讨霍山石斛水提取物对酒精性肝损伤小鼠的保护作用及其机制。将60只昆明小鼠随机均分成5组,正常组喂饲普通饲料,模型组喂饲普通饲料+52%白酒[12 m L/(kg·bw)]
遵照高扬同志的指示,现将中国社会科学杂志社《未定稿》1982年第3期刊登的《农村发展的问题和趋势》一文转载如下,供各农场和管理部门领导同志阅读。 “中国农村发展问题研究