Recognition of Film Type Using HSV Features on Deep-Learning Neural Networks

来源 :电子科技学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:waterdrop505
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The number of films is numerous and the film contents are complex over the Intet and multimediasources. It is time consuming for a viewer to select a favorite film. This paper presents an automatic recognition system of film types. Lnitially, a film is firstly sampled as frame sequences. The color space, including hue, saturation, and brightness value (HSV), is analyzed for each sampled frame by computing the deviation and mean of HSV for each film. These features are utilized as inputs to a deep-leing neural network (DNN) for the recognition of film types. One hundred films are utilized to train and validate the model parameters of DNN. Ln the testing phase, a film is recognized as one of the five categories, including action, comedy, horror thriller, romance, and science fiction, by the trained DNN. The experimental results reveal that the film types can be effectively recognized by the proposedapproach, enabling the viewer to select an interesting film accurately and quickly.
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A method of the relaxation time measurement in a flowing sample, based on the comparison of the amplitudes of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signals observed
桥面铺装结构中防水粘结层的质量对桥梁的使用寿命影响很大,选择合适的防水粘结材料已引起业内的高度重视。  本文选用废胶粉改性沥青作为防水粘结材料。首先对影响胶粉改性