公元589年正月22日,隋朝行军元帅晋王杨广(即隋炀帝)进入建康。作为这次伐陈战役的总指挥,他来到建康后,便下令处决陈朝的五个俘虏,说是为了“以谢三吴地区百姓”。杨广此举并且还得到了普遍称颂,认为他贤明。 陈灭亡后,原陈朝所有的王侯将相公卿大臣包括陈后主在内,几乎都得到了较好的优待,大部分人还封了官、拜了爵,为何独独要杀这五个人以谢天下?这五个是什么人?为什么对他们如此切齿痛恨? 说来这五个只不过是小人物,他们是中书舍人
On the 22nd of the first month of AD 589, the commander of the Sui Dynasty, Jin Wang Yang Guang (the Emperor of Sui Dynasty), marched into Jiankang. As commander-in-chief of the campaign to cut Chen, he came to Jiankang and ordered the execution of the five prisoners of the Chen dynasty in order to “give thanks to the people of the three areas in Wu district.” Yang Guang move and has also been generally praised, that he is wise. After the death of Chen, almost all the princes of the former Chen Dynasty, including Minister Chen Houqing, received almost all the favorable preferential treatment. Most of them also sealed their official positions and worshiped them. Why did they kill these five people alone? To thank the world? The five who are? Why they so hate cutting teeth? To say that the five is only a small person, they are the book man