管理是养鱼的一个重要环节,从8月份起就为后期管理,此时正是鱼类增重长膘期,为达到增产增收目的,此阶段须抓好如下几个技术关键: 1.投饵施肥。鱼类养殖后期,生长迅速,这时要保持鱼类有适口和质好量足的饲料,让鱼吃饱吃好,投饵要坚持“四定”原则。青饲料日投
Management is an important part of fish farming since August for the latter part of management, this time is the weight gain of fish long period, in order to achieve the purpose of increasing production and income, this stage must grasp the following key technologies: 1. Investment Bait fertilizer. The latter part of fish farming, rapid growth, then keep the fish have palatable and good quality enough feed, let the fish eat enough to feed to adhere to the “four” principle. Green feed on the vote