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  Mark Twain’s Absent-mindedness
  The famous American writer Mark Twain was well-known for his absent-mindedness(心不在焉). One day,when he was riding in a train, the conductor asked him for his ticket. Mark Twain looked for the ticket in all his pockets, but without success. At last,the conductor, who knew the writer by sight(面熟)said:
  “It doesn’t really matter. Show me your ticket on your way back. And if you don’t find it, there’s no harm done.”
  “Oh,but there is, I must find the darned thing(这该死的玩意儿),otherwise how will I know where I’m going?”
  Mark Twain and Whistler
  Whistler,the famous artist,once invited Mark Twain to visit his studio(画室)to see a new painting he was just finishing. The humorist(幽默作家)examined the canvas(油画)for some time in silence, then said,“I’d do away with that cloud if I were you,”and extended his hand carelessly toward one corner of the picture as though about to smudge(涂去)out a cloud effect. Whistler cried out nervously:“God,sir,be careful! Don’t you see the paint still wet!”
  “Oh,that doesn’t matter,”said Mark.“I’ve got my gloves on.”
  Bernard Shaw’s Question
  Stepping out between the acts at the first production of one of his plays,Bernard Shaw(英戏剧家萧伯纳)said to the audience:“What do you think of it?”
  This startled(使大吃一惊)everybody for the time being, but presently a man in the pit(剧场正厅)assembled his scattered wits(很快恢复常态)and cried:“Rotten(遭透了)!”
  Shaw made a curtsey(行屈膝礼)and melted the house(柔情面对观众)with one of his Irish(爱尔兰人的)smiles.
  “My friend,”he said,struggling his shoulders and indicating the crowd in front.“I entirely agree with you,but what on earth can we two do against this whole audience?”
  The Shortest Letters
  Voltaire(法作家伏尔泰),the great French writer,wrote a small book and sent it to his publisher. Some time passed,but Voltaire received no news about it. So at last he sent his publisher a letter. In it there is only the sign “?”.
  All the copies of the book were already sold. It was quite clear to the publisher what the sign“?”meant in Voltaire’s letter. So he sent an answer. It was as short as Voltaire’s letter. The answer is also only one sign“!”.
  Do you know what these signs mean?
  I Won’t Charge You Much
  A rich but ignorant(无知的)Englishman went to the famous painter Turner and ordered a painting. When it was finished he refused to pay the price that the painter demanded.
  “What,”he said,“all that money for a square of canvas(粗帆布)and a little paint!”
  “Oh,”replied Turner,“if it’s just paint and canvas that you want, here’s a half-used tube, and over in the corner you will find some canvas. I won’t charge you much for them.”
时间有着不动声色的力量。沧海桑田,是千万年时光变迁的力量,水滴石穿,是日积月累岁月的力量,而短暂的一瞬间的力量呢?  那些一瞬间发生的事,一瞬间感受的情,一瞬间悟出的理,悄悄地改变了青春的轨迹……    樊宁讲述第一个故事:    开学第三天的那个傍晚,天空昏黑,大雨如注,我骑车从学校回家。街上没有多少行人,唯有汽车溅着水花。车灯闪烁着在马路上疾驰。我弓着腰猛蹬车,身上的雨披已经快吃不住劲。帽檐上
马虎虎是个壮壮实实的小伙子,刚上初二,他就窜到一米八了。高高大大的他,篮球打得不错。脑袋十分好使,最可爱的动作是——右手撩起额前的头发,然后将头用力向后一甩。帅,真帅!可马虎虎自有他的烦恼,那就是自己的名字。当年,父母为他起名“马虎虎”,指望他将来虎虎生风,长成结结实实的大小伙子。可马虎虎认为是名字害了自己!“我总是丢三落四,我妈说我脑子进了水。”马虎大王马虎虎说。  马虎虎经常出状况,不是忘带作
题外话 从现在开始还为时不晚  广安前锋中学 迷尘:  我在家里是一个听话的乖孩子,懂事。体贴父母,可在学校我却是一匹脱缰的野马!我上课常常不听讲,经常通宵上网,谈恋爱,在课堂上捣乱、听歌、吃东西,还喜欢喝酒甚至在课堂上撒酒疯,觉得那就是快乐。做任何事情都只有三分钟的热情。尽管为了我的学习成绩,父母为我转过好几个学校,但是我早就不想读书了。可是有时安静下来,我就会想到,不知道自己究竟为什么会这样?
Once there lived a family of ants.They lived on a hill and were always busy, because they had to do much work, especially as they had to store food for the winter.
【阅读导航】  迟子建是当代中国具有广泛影响力的女作家之一。她的作品多以山村生活为题材,贴近生活,感情细腻又不乏豪爽之气,从不矫揉造作。创作风格朴实大方,简练凝重,文笔流畅,语气舒缓平稳,不张扬,不拖泥带水。她常常借物喻人,借助作品抒发自己的情怀,对人与社会的诠释视角独特,给我们许多有益的人生启迪。  她的主要作品有长篇小说《树下》《晨钟响彻黄昏》《伪满洲国》《越过云层的晴朗》《额尔古纳河右岸》,
A noisy cat complained(抱怨)t0 his friend,“It's strange peo-pie prefer(喜欢) a quiet cat like you They are cruel(残忍)to me and chase(驱赶)me away whenever I go.”
1 Complimen three people every day每天赞美三个人。
如今,银行、超市、车站检票处、城市十字路口、部分居民小区等设有“电子眼睛”(摄像头),日夜“监控”过往行人的一举一动,适时“举报”不法分子的犯罪行径。你知道“电子眼睛”是什么光学元件吗?你知道它的成像原理吗?   例1 2008年北京奥运会全面运用人脸识别系统,当持票人进入场馆距门口0.5~1.2m处时,安装在门上的人脸识别系统的摄像机就自动将镜头前的人脸拍摄成数码相片,通过信号线传递给计算机,计
新年的到来意味着旧年的结束——我们的生命历程,又画完了2009这个年轮。  盘点我们的2009年,那些刻骨铭心的“最记忆”:最美、最痛、最惨烈、最暖、最冷……它们带给我们的那些“最收获”,像阳光和雨点,让我们的成长多了一些美好、深邃和力量……    李渊的最美记忆:独自聆听夜曲    那是夏天,村子里只有我一个孩子在上学。每天放学后,踏着暮色,我独自走上回家的小路。  霞光从天空倾泻到大地,灯光一
小时候你一准问过妈妈:“我是从哪儿来的?”还记得妈妈怎么说的吗?  “医生叔叔送的!”“垃圾堆里捡来的!”……当时,你一定相信了,可现在,你会翻翻书本、问问老师,还可能和小伙伴们一起“研究研究”。  晓云给大家讲了亚当和夏娃的故事,说夏娃是亚当的一根肋骨。亮亮大叫:“那是童话,不是真的!”张老师从他们身边走过,听到亮亮的叫声,笑着说:“还是我来告诉大家吧!”张老师讲起生命的来源——  生命的来源很