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英国彩色故事片《尼罗河上的惨案》,同我国上映过的日本影片《追捕》,都是属于近年来在国外影坛上盛行的“推理电影”。在这类影片中,以侦探、警察、检查官等司法部门的人物为重要角色。一九七三年,美国就因此类描述破案工作的影片大量涌现,使本年美国影坛有“警察年”之称。推理电影大部分系由推理小说改编拍摄而成。《尼罗河上的惨案》是由英国女作家阿加沙·克里斯蒂的小说改编的;《追捕》是由日本推理小说家西村寿行的同名小说改编而成。今年第三期《世界文学》所载电影剧本《人的证明》也是由日本著名推理小说家森村诚一所著同名小说改编。所以,我们可以说推理电影是在推理小说的基础上产生的。推理小说产生于十九世纪, British color feature film “The Nile Massacre” with our release of the Japanese film “hunt”, belong to the popular film in foreign countries in recent years, “reasoning.” In such films, detectives, police, prosecutors and other judiciary figures as an important role. In 1973, the United States published a large number of videos describing the work of solving crimes so that the U.S. film festival this year will have the title of “Police Year.” Inference movies are mostly made from inference novels. “The tragedy on the Nile” was adapted from the novel by the British woman writer Agatha Christie; “Chase” was adapted from the novel of the same name by Shukatsu Nishimura, a Japanese reasoning novelist. The screenplay “Human Proof” contained in the third issue of this year’s World Literature is also adapted from a novel of the same name by the Japanese famous novelist Sen Moriichi. Therefore, we can say that inference movies are produced on the basis of reasoning novels. Reasoning fiction originated in the nineteenth century,
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<正> 在京剧界,有所谓“无丑不成戏”的说法。这样说法当然显得有些夸大,但也不能说完全没有道理。京剧里以丑角为主的戏,与丑角在戏中是主要角色的戏,据不完全统计就有一百