山西省汾河三坝灌区淡水资源短缺 ,是农业生产发展的制约因素。三坝浅层地下咸水灌溉试验 ( 1 990~ 1 995)的研究结果表明 ,利用 3.0~ 5.1 g/ l的咸水灌溉小麦、玉米、棉花和高粱 ,均比不灌的增产 30 %以上 ;在春季河灌和汛期集中降雨淋洗的条件下 ,作物根层土壤不积盐 ;实行咸淡水轮灌 ,增辟水源 ,改善水质 ,可获作物增产。
The shortage of fresh water resources in Sanba Irrigation District of Fen River in Shanxi Province is a constraint factor for the development of agricultural production. The results of shallow brackish water irrigation experiment in Sanba (1990 ~ 1995) showed that irrigating wheat, corn, cotton and sorghum with salinity of 3.0 ~ 5.1 g / l increased more than 30% Under the conditions of spring rains and concentrated rains during flood season, crop root soils do not accumulate salt. The implementation of salt-and-ram water wheel-run irrigation will increase the water quality and improve crop yield.