“做成一世功伟业,留待后人去评 说。”在我党发展壮大历史上的各个阶 段,真正能了解的大决策背后种种鲜为 人知的内幕可谓廖廖无几。几乎都是等 到尘埃落定,才“盖棺定论”。历史便显 得扑朔迷离,看不清真实的面目。改革开 放二十多年,人们思想解放也历经曲折 的过程。2004年9月,中共中央十六届四 中全会在京召开,会议通过的《中共中央 关于加强党的执政能力建设的决定》,具 有十分重大的意义。2005年1月,全党上 下又开展以实践“三个代表”重要思想 为主要内容的保持共产党员先进性教育 活动,学党章,学党史,找差距,掀起了全
“Make a world of Albert, leaving the future generations to comment. ” In our history of all stages of the development and growth of the party, can really understand the big decisions behind the insider can be described as little known. Almost all wait until the dust settles, only “coffin conclusion ”. History will look complicated and confusing, can not see the true face. More than 20 years of reform and opening up, people’s liberation has also gone through twists and turns. In September 2004, the Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee was held in Beijing. The “Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Strengthening the Building of the Party’s Ability to Govern” passed by the conference is of great significance. In January 2005, the whole party carried out education activities that maintain the advanced nature of party members with the important concept of “three representations” as its main content, and learned the Party history,