在中国古代和近代史上,杭州是个多火灾的城市,次数之多、规模之大、损失之重,是闻名大江南北的。隋唐以前,我国火灾大多发生在黄河流域的城市。唐代开始,江南城市的火灾也常见于史书。杭州最早的火灾记录是唐代宗广德元年(公元763年)。从这一年开始至1949年中华人民共和国成立之前的1200多年中,有文字可查的杭州火灾近300次,平均四年左右就有一次规模较大的火灾记录。杭州火灾之多在江南城市史上是闻名的。 广德元年(公元763年)的杭州火灾,是有文字可查的最早记录,但因史料记载不详,无法了解这次火灾的全貌了。
In ancient and modern history of China, Hangzhou was a city with many fires. As many counties, large in size and heavy in loss, Hangzhou was famous north-south. Before the Sui and Tang Dynasties, most of our country’s fires occurred in the Yellow River valley cities. The beginning of the Tang Dynasty, Jiangnan city fire is also common in history books. The earliest record of fire in Hangzhou was the first year of Guangde, Tang Dynasty (AD 763). From the beginning of this year to the 1200 years preceding the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, there were nearly 300 documented Hangzhou fires, with a large-scale fire record on average about four years. Hangzhou fire is much known in the history of Jiangnan city. In the first year of Guangde (763 CE), the Hangzhou fire was the earliest recorded record of the writings. However, due to unknown historical records, it was impossible to understand the whole picture of the fire.