Objective To investigate the effects of stimulant for nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain 1 (NOD1) on secretion of proinflammatory chemokine/cytokines and insulin-dependent glucose uptake in human differentiated adipocytes. Methods Adipose tissues were obtained from patients undergoing liposuction. Stromal vascular cells were extracted and differentiated into adipocytes. A specific ligand for NOD1, was administered to human adipocytes in culture. Nuclear factor-κB transcriptional activity and proinflammatory chemokine/cytokines production were determined by reporter plasmid assay and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, respectively. Insulin-stimulated glucose uptake was measured by 2-deoxy-D-[ 3 H] glucose uptake assay. Furthermore, chemokine/cytokine secretion and glucose uptake in adipocytes transfected with small interfering RNA (siRNA) targeting NOD1 upon
Objective To investigate the effects of stimulant for nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain 1 (NOD1) on secretion of proinflammatory chemokine / cytokines and insulin-dependent glucose uptake in human differentiated adipocytes. Methods Adipose tissues were obtained from patients undergoing liposuction. Stromal vascular cells were extracted and differentiated into adipocytes. A specific ligand for NOD1, was administered to human adipocytes in culture. respectively. A-factor ligand for NOD1, was administered to human adipocytes in culture. respectively. Aulin ligand-stimulated glucose Further, chemokine / cytokine secretion and glucose uptake in adipocytes transfected with small interfering RNA (siRNA) targeting NOD1 upon