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桑干河,源于山西马邑雷山之阳,从大同和浑源之间东去,进入河北阳原县境内后河道逐渐开阔,水势如虹。而后自西向东流经涿鹿、怀来,最后汇入官厅水库。桑干河畔泥河湾古文化遗址的发现,将这一地区古人类活动的时间推向了100-150万年以前。悠久的历史、灿烂的文化至今仍在两岸闪烁着光彩。黄帝城、燕长城、鸡鸣驿、竹林寺、开阳堡、土木堡使桑干河为之生辉。塞北严酷闭塞的生活环境孕育和造就了极具特色的民间文化,如剪纸、面人、秧歌、背阁、晋剧、民歌等。我们应邀于2004年中秋前后到阳原考察,记录下了令人难忘的经历。 Sanggan River, from Shanxi Ma Yi Lei Mountain, from Datong and Hunyuan East, into the territory of Hebei Yangyuan County after the river gradually open, water potential rainbow. And then from east to west through Zhuolu, pregnant, and finally remitted to the Guanting Reservoir. The discovery of the ancient riverside riverside riverside rivers and streams in Hoh Wan Bay has brought the time of ancient human activities in this area to 100-150 million years ago. Long history, splendid culture is still shining brilliantly on both sides of the strait. Yellow Emperor City, Yan Great Wall, Jiming Station, Zhulin Temple, Kaiyang Fort, soil Fort so Sanggan River brilliance. Northern severely blocked living environment gave birth to and created a distinctive folk culture, such as paper-cut, face people, yangko, back Court, Jin Opera, folk songs and so on. We were invited to inspect the Yangyuan before and after the Mid-Autumn Festival in 2004 and recorded an unforgettable experience.