研究解有机试题的思路和技巧,特别是研究巧解妙算,对启迪学生思维、培养学生能力非常重要。现举例说明。 一、巧用平均式量 速推物质组成 例1.某气态烷烃和气态单烯烃的混和气体2.24升,完全燃烧后可产生3.36升CO_2气体和4.05克水。另取2.24升(上述气体体积都为标准状况下的体积)原混和气体,通入过
Studying ideas and techniques for solving organic test questions, especially researching clever solutions, is very important for inspiring students’ thinking and cultivating their abilities. Here is an example. First, the use of average amount of rapid push material composition Example 1. A mixture of gaseous alkanes and gaseous monoolefins 2.24 liters, after complete combustion can produce 3.36 liters of CO2 gas and 4.05 grams of water. Another 2.24 litre (the above volume of gas is the volume under standard conditions) of the original mixed gas, passed through